
WP Links

These are organizations, groups and individuals that World Pilgrim visits and works with on our Pilgrimages.  Check them out!  All will inspire you to make a difference and perhaps be a part of their efforts.


www.transitionsfoundation.org  The Transition Foundation of Guatemala is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of Guatemalans with disabilities.

www.safepassage.org  Camino Seguro, hope, education, and compassion for children living in the slums around the Guatemala City Garbage Dump.

www.exvalhalla.net The Valhalla Project is a Guatemala based organization that seeks to reverse global warming, assist indigenous people in developing self-sustaining agriculture, and educate the public about the environment.

www.ccda.galeon.com The Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA) was founded in 1982 as an organization that works to defend the rights of workers on large coffee, sugar and cotton plantations, to recover lands taken from the Mayan communities over the past centuries, and to promote and recover Mayan culture and spirituality.

http://www.fafg.org/Ingles/paginas/FAFG.html The Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation (Fundación de Antropología Forense de Guatemala, FAFG) is a non-governmental, autonomous, technical-scientific, not-for-profit organization that contributes to the strengthening of the justice system and to the respect for human rights through the investigation, documentation,  dissemination, education and awareness raising regarding the historic violations of the right to life and the cases of non-clarified deaths.


www.cenesexualidad.sld.cu   National Centre for Sexual Education


www.benshomestay.com Our lovely host on the Kerala Backwaters

www.amritapuri.org  Ashram  home of Amma,

www.dalailama.com Home page for the Dalai Lama and the Tibetian Community in Dharmsala
